HAGP Series – High Accuracy Gage Pressure Transmitter

GP Series Features:

  • FT-6 or Armoured cable available in different lengths
  • Four, switch selectable ranges per model
  • LCD display
  • Jumper selectable outputs: 4-20 mA, 0-5 Vdc or 0-10 Vdc
  • Hinged Polycarbonate weatherproof enclosure
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Product Description

The high accuracy gage pressure transmitter is designed with single remote sensor that enables it to accept high pressure in several ranges up to 500 PSI, 35 Bar or 3500 kPa. All models are rated for overload pressure 2X the maximum full scale range and burst pressure of 20X the maximum full scale range.

Features include field selectable pressure ranges and output signal types, output reversal and slow-damping for the most flexible applications. The output signal is factory calibrated and temperature compensated for the highest start-up accuracy. A hinged and gasketed polycarbonate enclosure is provided for ease of installation.

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