TE500ES Series – Strap-on Temperature Transmitter w/ Mounting Clamp

Precision RTD sensing element
High accuracy transmitter
Choice of scaled ranges and outputs
Three enclosures to choose from
38.1 mm Square (1.5” ) Aluminum plate probe w/ compressible foam
254 mm (10”) stainless steel screw/band clamp

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Product Description

The TE500ES Series has been discontinued and has been replaced by the TXSO Series.

The TE500ES single point strap-on temperature transmitter has a precision platinum RTD bonded to a 38.1 c 38.1 mm (1.5” x 1.5”) Aluminum plate and adhered to a 38.1 x 25.4 mm (1.5 x 1“) compressible foam. A 10” S/S Pipe clamp is provided to secure the assembly to various sizes of pipe. All probes are constructed to provide excellent heat transfer, fast response and are potted to resist moisture penetration. A transmitter that provides a high accuracy signal with excellent long term stability, low hysteresis and fast response is available with various ranges. It is available with a variety of enclosures.

pdf-icon TE500ES Submittal


TE500ES Install